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Gerbe, Brad - Saline Area Schools

Are you an incumbent?


Brief Intro of Candidate

Saline School Board Treasurer and Finance Chair (3 years). Teacher in Manchester (20 years). Community volunteer/ coach (Saline recreation and SAYB&S).

Saline School board Trustee since 2020.
I am deeply invested in the students and families of Saline. proud to have served as a school trustee for the past four years. Jess and i are grateful to enroll our children in the Saline Area Schools and willingly entrust their education to the tremendous educators and support personnel who make our school district great.

Over the past four years we have navigated a pandemic, hired a tremendous superintendent, worked to build inclusive school environments, and provided strong educational programs while focusing on literacy and re-establishing stability. I am particularly proud as treasurer and finance chair that Our current fund balance is at its highest level in 10+ years. This positions our school district well for the future. We have prioritized staff and student safety. Furthermore, we continue to strive to prioritize the social-emotional health of students on a daily basis.

I am seeking re-election because I believe that there is more to do, and I want to continue to be invested in our kids futures. Exciting times lie ahead for our district. New facilities. Solar investments. New steam learning environments. State of the art technologies and CTE (Career & technical education) investments. Athletic enhancements. To name a few. I hope that you will partner with me. Please reach out at


Saline Teachers and support staff, Washtenaw County Democratic Party

Top financials Contributors

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How would you engage and include parents, caregivers, community members and students in decision-making in your district around things like curriculum, budgeting and district policy?

I am available to parents and stakeholders in many ways. First, through public comment at official Saline school board meetings, but also through phone calls, email and discussions with individuals when out in the community.

When it comes to curriculum, budgeting and district policy, decisions are most often driven by the individual to whom the issue would be most impacted. Whether that be parents, caregivers, community members, students, or staff, I welcome expertise when making decisions. I will listen. I will seek input.

What are your thoughts on school discipline and the way it is exercised in your school district? What are your thoughts on restorative practices?

I believe in our school's leadership team. I also am thankful for the restorative justice model that is embraced by our school district leaders. I believe that restorative justice improves the overall school environment by promoting communication, enhances the learning and development of young people by repairing relationships and seeks to build understanding. Restorative practices also promote safety, inclusion, and respect for others.

What are your thoughts on how to improve student mental health

Continue to target resources for students towards those students who most need it. The district has hired a number of social emotional coaches and the district has counselors in place to support students as they work through challenges. I will continue to advocate for funding to maintain these important resources.

I also think we need to listen closely to the experiences of those who have been most impacted by bullying and other mechanisms of disrespect. We must continue to support these individuals.

What are your thoughts on ways to improve Black student achievement in your district and in Michigan schools overall?

The Black Student Union in Saline is an important source of voice for our black students. One of the most important things we can do is make sure that our black students see themselves in the curriculum. Continued professional development for staff is essential. Further, in our libraries and in places where students have cultural influences present, black students MUST see themselves represented. One of the other ways we are aiming to improve black student achievement is through specific hiring practices targeting the diversification of our staff.

What are your thoughts on how to ensure that all students and their families, regardless of race, gender identity, sexuality, disability, religion, income status, etc., feel safe and included in your district?

Ensuring that all students have a place in our school is essential to me. Regardless of race, gender identify, sexuality, disability, religion, income status, etc all students need to be feel safe and feel supported in their school. We have adopted policies to protect students and we are working with our administrative teams to ensure that the implementation of policies.

What are your thoughts on how to recruit and retain staff, particularly staff of color, in your district with regard to pay, benefits, and working conditions?

We have to be present where these individuals are seeking employment. Our new HR director is doing an outstanding job of changing our advertising scope. I am hopeful of an impact. In order to attract educators obviously strong pay and benefits is essential. However, working conditions are even more important. Every staff member needs a dedicated mentor and I'd like to see us make multiple hires with diverse backgrounds in every hiring cycle and cohort.

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