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Rass, Jennifer - Birmingham

Are you an incumbent?


Brief Intro of Candidate

I am a knowledgeable communications and business professional with more than 30 years of experience in corporate, agency, non-profit communications and media relations. I have a background in executing strategic communication plans, public relations campaigns and brand management.

My inspiration for running for the BPS board six years ago was to give back to what has provided an amazing educational foundation thus far for my two children. I believe my business background, communication expertise and community involvement, I am qualified to serve in this important role.

As an actively involved parent, I am a strong advocate for our children and teachers and would be proud to represent the entire Birmingham School District community. I believe one of the most important tasks would be to make certain the BPS mission is upheld, “in partnership with parents and the community, Birmingham Public Schools will provide educational excellence that empowers students to cultivate their individual brilliance and positively impact their world.”


I have not received any endorsements yet, but I have responded to several questionnaires regarding endorsements. I am seeking endorsements from the Birmingham Education Association and Michigan Education Association.

Top financials Contributors

Website and social media links

Will update soon.

coming soon

How would you engage and include parents, caregivers, community members and students in decision-making in your district around things like curriculum, budgeting and district policy?

As I currently serve as President of the Board of Education, I have witnessed first hand the importance of having the community engaged while making informed decisions regarding curriculum, budgeting and policy. A great example of this is the creation of our Strategic Plan. As part of the process, more than 6,200 community responses from parents, students and other stakeholders were gathered and considered. This survey provided quantitative data toward understanding the vision of our community. We also have a extensive Curriculum Review Committee process that includes input and insight from parents and students. There are several opportunities to review, provide feedback and ask questions regarding new curricula. Collaboration between parents and educators regarding materials is essential for success.

What are your thoughts on school discipline and the way it is exercised in your school district? What are your thoughts on restorative practices?

I fully support the District’s Code of Conduct and the use of restorative practices as a responsibility to respect the rights and privileges of all students. I am proud of how we as a District strive to assure guidelines and consequences are appropriate and proportionate in nature. As a Board Trustee, our entire Board has been through a restorative practice training to understand how the process works.

Birmingham Public Schools Code of Conduct recognizes:

The primary intent of society in establishing a system of public schools is to provide an opportunity for learning;

An environment that fosters learning places paramount importance on the achievement of educational objectives; and

Educational objectives include both the mastery of academic disciplines and the responsible exercise of civic rights and responsibilities.

What are your thoughts on how to improve student mental health

Having had the privilege of serving as a BPS School Board trustee for the past 5 ½ years, I am proud to say we have really focused on the area of improving our students mental health, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, one of our District’s Strategic Plan goals we developed is having a Culture of Unity and Well-Being.

As stakeholders believed we need to provide more extensive mental health support and social-emotional learning for our students, families, and staff. Students expressed a desire for the district to help them manage stress and wellness. Stakeholders also highlighted diversity as a critical element for attracting students, and they want equity in voice, opportunities, and resources for all schools. In partnership with the district, we will create a district-wide system to encourage social and emotional wellness; increase authentic engagement with students, staff, parents, families, community, and alumni and ensure equitable access to extracurricular resources and opportunities.

Another example resulting from this goal was the creation of BPS's Canine Crew. We partnered with local community groups who funded therapy dogs for most of our schools. This was been a wonderful addition to our community.

This continues to be at the forefront of my mind as a Board Trustee as we make decisions that may impact our student’s emotional and mental well-being.

What are your thoughts on ways to improve Black student achievement in your district and in Michigan schools overall?

A few years ago, our District partnered with Hanover Research to conduct an equity audit that included an equity and inclusion survey and analysis, academic and behavior equity data analysis. As a result, the District is committed to providing a comprehensive education ensuring our students thrive academically and personally. We have learned in our study sessions when talking about student achievement by engaging students, teachers and the community in district-wide initiatives such as curriculum review cycles, curriculum development and assessment selection, this cultivates an educational community where all students can reach their fullest potential. This approach has helped to improve our black student achievement within our District. We have seen this first hand in several areas of state-testing where the data speaks to the improvement. We definitely have room to improve, but implementing what we learned from our Hanover partnership has assisted us in helping to bridge our achievement gaps.

For Michigan overall to show improvement, I believe we must continue to focus and address inequities through policy change by funding and supporting public education. For example, last year, the state of Michigan adopted a state school funding formula, called the “Opportunity Index,” creating more investment in students who qualify for at-risk funding based on a school district’s concentration of poverty. This provides additional fiscal resources to students who may struggle academically in school.

What are your thoughts on how to ensure that all students and their families, regardless of race, gender identity, sexuality, disability, religion, income status, etc., feel safe and included in your district?

The District’s Better Together campaign was developed to create a path forward navigating the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects on our staff, students, and community. The concept arose from the deep concern our community has for the emotional well-being of our staff and students. The commitment in creating a secure and nurturing educational setting remains unwavering, as we strive to foster an atmosphere where every staff member and child feels a sense of belonging. BPS exemplifies Better Together! We have made great strides to tackle diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as prioritize character education and social-emotional learning. A few notable accomplishments include:

Community partnerships and engagement

Student-led initiatives

Canine Comfort Crew - therapy dog program

What are your thoughts on how to recruit and retain staff, particularly staff of color, in your district with regard to pay, benefits, and working conditions?

In January 2024, we passed our annual Board Goals, one of which was aligning closely with the District’s Strategic Plan. Our goal states, “As a board, we commit to continually reviewing, utilizing, and referring to the district’s strategic plan and how it is reflected in the work of the board. We will ensure that quarterly updates are given during a regular board meeting. We will also work with Central Leadership to ensure that decisions made by the board reflect the values and goals outlined in the strategic plan, particularly in relation to finance, curriculum, and governance. We will do so by ensuring that each resolution passed by the board will be linked to at least one strategic plan goal.”

One of our goals outlined in our Strategic Plan is attracting and keeping world-class talent. I truly believe the educators in BPS are what makes our district special and differentiate us from our peers . This goal aims to:

Attract and retain talented and diverse staff

Prioritize the social and emotional well-being of staff

Provide high-quality professional learning and development

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