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Schoenfeld, Colleen - Manchester Community Schools

Are you an incumbent?


Brief Intro of Candidate

I was an Army brat growing up, and lived all over our country and in Germany. I then joined the US Army myself, following in my father's footsteps, and served over 11 years. After leaving the military, I served as an investigator of discrimination, harassment, and sexual harassment at two public universities and then founded a nonprofit to continue to prevent and address these types of incidents. I have three children, and two are still school-age, and attend Manchester Community Schools. My oldest son is serving our country in the US Coast Guard and is supported by his wife and two sons. I have lived in many places and many types of communities and there is a reason I chose to settle and raise my children in Manchester. The small, active, and caring environment is the type of community I wanted them to grow up in. I am a strong believer in being an active member of the community and in engaging in community service and so I am involved in several groups and membership organizations in town. I also get to know and help folks by working part-time at our local Ace Hardware store. I believe we can have the most direct impact on our lives and communities by engaging locally and by building strong relationships and trust with our fellow community members.


No, but I am seeking endorsement from MEA

Top financials Contributors

Website and social media links

Individual donors and myself

LinkedIn: Colleen Schoenfeld MPA; FB: Colleen Schoenfeld (no A)

How would you engage and include parents, caregivers, community members and students in decision-making in your district around things like curriculum, budgeting and district policy?

I do and will continue to have conversations with folks around town about their concerns related to our community school district. Our school district is the beating heart of our town, as it is in most communities. Our school district attracts people to and keeps people in our town. Prior to the election, I intend to participate in the community open forum that is typically held for school board candidates and hear from community members and respond to their questions. I would also like to set up a separate event, either in person or hybrid, where folks can come out and meet me and we can have a chat. I also have a Facebook page for the campaign (Colleen Schoenfeld, not Colleen A. Schoenfeld) and am happy to answer messages and comments there. I want to get input and feedback from everyone impacted by our school board and district so that I can have the best understanding possible of their needs, concerns, and what they love about MCS so that I can make the best possible decisions as a board member, that reflect the legal requirements of a board and serve the needs and wants of our community.

What are your thoughts on school discipline and the way it is exercised in your school district? What are your thoughts on restorative practices?

School discipline can pose a challenge for any school district, balancing the needs of all students, staff, and the community. MCS is no exception to that. Administrators must ensure that all students have access to their education and that staff are supported and everyone is safe. I am a strong proponent of the use of restorative practices over punitive disciplinary measures, wherever possible. Restorative practices place healing and restoration of all impacted parties, including the whole community, at the center of addressing concerns and incidents. As I answered previously, our schools are the heart of our community, so healing and restoring the heart is vital to the health of the whole body. Our school district and community understands this and it's a visible reminder to all of us that we're called Manchester COMMUNITY Schools, rather than Manchester School District.

What are your thoughts on how to improve student mental health

Challenges of addressing and supporting student mental health are not unique to MCS. This is a concern nationwide and has many factors outside the control of a school district that impact mental health. There are no fast or simple solutions to address student mental health. As a district however, what we can do, is support our students by ensuring we maximize budget allocations in getting trained staff and filling roles with those who specialize in mental health and support. We can ensure that our district is addressing and preventing issues like bullying, and discrimination and harassment. We can ensure we're providing a supportive, inclusive, and welcoming environment where students know they are valued and that they trust they can receive help when needed. We can ensure staff are trained to recognize and refer resources to students who need them. There is much out of our control, but there are actions MCS does take, will take, and can take to mitigate risks and support the mental health of our students.

What are your thoughts on ways to improve Black student achievement in your district and in Michigan schools overall?

All students deserve the tools and resources they need to succeed in their education. MCS should be tailoring services and resources that each student and their family need to be successful and this includes our students who are Black. As far as in Michigan schools overall, the impact I can have, is by focusing on our local MCS district and our students to strengthen the overall success and achievement to our Manchester, Michigan students as a whole.

What are your thoughts on how to ensure that all students and their families, regardless of race, gender identity, sexuality, disability, religion, income status, etc., feel safe and included in your district?

We have to, as a community and as a community school district, ensure that all students and their families feel included and welcome in MCS and in Manchester. We can do this by extending the already amazing supports, and community atmosphere, by figuratively wrapping our arms around all of our students and their families the same way we have and do, for those families who have decades and even centuries of family roots in this community. We have the tools and know-how and excel at taking care of our folks. Let's make sure everyone no matter their identity or background feel that too.

What are your thoughts on how to recruit and retain staff, particularly staff of color, in your district with regard to pay, benefits, and working conditions?

I think we attract and retain staff by emphasizing the amazing benefits to working and living in Manchester. We have an outstanding community and a great deal of strengths. We can also recruit and retain folks by ensuring they know that they will be valuable assets to this district and community and that they are wanted and welcome. We can be open to new perspectives and ideas that can strengthen our areas we already excel in and provide some ideas for improvement where outside eyes and experiences could be helpful. We can ensure we're offering competitive pay, employment benefits, and supportive working conditions.

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