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Sturgis, Eric - Ann Arbor Public

Are you an incumbent?


Brief Intro of Candidate

I am an Ann Arbor Public School Graduate Northside, Clague and Huron. I have a Master's Degree Magna Cum laude from Eastern Michigan in Sports Administration. I have been a college and high school tennis coach. I also was a substitute teacher in the AAPS these past couple years. I have been a para-professional as well in the past.


Trustee Susan Baskett, Trustee Torchio Feaster, I am seeking the AAAA Union and AAEA Union endorsements

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How would you engage and include parents, caregivers, community members and students in decision-making in your district around things like curriculum, budgeting and district policy?

I believe that our Equity committee meetings need to be taped and recorded for those in the community to watch. I also believe that we need to reach out to students, parents, caregivers and ask them to be involved in the decision making process. I would like to have a student-rep sit at our board table during the meetings to give input.

What are your thoughts on school discipline and the way it is exercised in your school district? What are your thoughts on restorative practices?

I believe that school discipline needs to be focused on keeping students safe, and learning. The more we can keep students in the classroom and learning , the more success the students will have. I believe there has been a greater number of minority students that face discipline in our school district and this needs to get better. Could we refer some of the behavior issues to the counselor or social workers? I am all for restorative practices and keeping the students in the school and classrooms so they can effectively learn.

What are your thoughts on how to improve student mental health

We need to have access to counselors and social workers in the elementary, middle and high schools for the students. Students also need to be made aware of the services that can be provided and encouraged to see their respective counselor or social worker at anytime.

What are your thoughts on ways to improve Black student achievement in your district and in Michigan schools overall?

We need to look at equity closer in our school district for an example when laying off teachers are we laying off teachers at a Title 1 school more than others? Why do we have a Middle School that is approx 63% Black, but another one that is 7% black, how can we improve this gap. We need to encourage Black parents and caregivers to be active in the school, and also we need to make sure that our curriculum is not biased in nature.

What are your thoughts on how to ensure that all students and their families, regardless of race, gender identity, sexuality, disability, religion, income status, etc., feel safe and included in your district?

We have gender neutral bathrooms in our schools. We need to provide students the opportunity to speak with social workers, counselors about any race, gender identity, sexual, religion or income status in our school district. We need to make sure the income gap at schools are equitable and that students are being integrated more into different schools.

What are your thoughts on how to recruit and retain staff, particularly staff of color, in your district with regard to pay, benefits, and working conditions?

Ann Arbor is one of the best school districts in Michigan because of it's teachers and school of choice. We need to offer incentives for those to come to our district, and we need to make sure that we are hiring an appropriate number of staff of color in each school. Teachers are under paid and should be paid more and have a stress free environment. We as a school board need to support our teachers and administration and take away any stress or obstacles that may be provided.

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