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Wine , Ralph - Comstock Public Schools Board

Are you an incumbent?


Brief Intro of Candidate

K-12 Comstock Public Schools graduate 1980 2nd generation of CPS. My children were 3rd generation 2002/05 my step granddaughter is4th generation 2024. Denver Auto and Diesel college graduate1981. Auto Technician for 32 year 17 years self employed. Jac's Auto Repair Kalamazoo Michigan. Semi OWNER Operator since 2016. Again self employed Wine Transport.



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Website and social media links


None /made a few face book posts

How would you engage and include parents, caregivers, community members and students in decision-making in your district around things like curriculum, budgeting and district policy?

Get parents and CPS board ,staff together for a assembly to get the challenges of today problems out open for discussion to try to have a better outcome for the students welfare. Try promote positive insights and support for the overwhelming challenges of today, success for students. Something is missing from the curriculum for K-8 outside of the STEM PROGRAM in CPS system. Mi Data scores are not good at all. That needs attention asap. As far as the budgets I have been self employed since 1995 till present minus 2015 through 2020. Then back 2020,June till present. Wife passed in a car accident took a little time to get through all that . I believe that are students is why we are here,so they should be the focus of the needs . I believe that I have the experience of what it takes to be successful in business atmosphere is a strong suit that I have preformed throughout my years of self employment. The needs of the teachers are also a issue but I believe that is not solely for the board
I believe that the superintendent is in control of there needs and there should be a report for the board to look and ultimately the superintendent is there go to as I understand the chain of employer to employees.

What are your thoughts on school discipline and the way it is exercised in your school district? What are your thoughts on restorative practices?

I believe that the discipline is missing in action. I believe that the phones in the classroom are a huge problem distraction. I was a foster parent for 2 children it is a very complex and complicated task. Both fosters received consistency and responsibilities, rewards when they completed tasks that were asked to do. Alot of patients. We have a huge amount of children today that have enormous amount of none school issues that are huge detrimental effects on a strong outcome for there success. I have been to classes to deal with blended family's. At our home it was mine hers and ours . Then her ex husband children buy different moms, the 2 fosters. Yep it was very very difficult.

What are your thoughts on how to improve student mental health

Try to get the communication open up through consulting and through program outside of the school system.

What are your thoughts on ways to improve Black student achievement in your district and in Michigan schools overall?

Stop calling them black students and just students fist off. Secondly some of the above question. Try find out what the needs are for each individual students regardless of race or creed. This is a huge problem when we start treat individual people differently because of the statement in the question. I believe that we all need to treat people the same way that we would like to be treated in return. Find the need of every students short comings help the students work on those needs.

What are your thoughts on how to ensure that all students and their families, regardless of race, gender identity, sexuality, disability, religion, income status, etc., feel safe and included in your district?

Treat everyone the same as I just said in previous questions. There are going to be individuals who not user friendly in the school system,community parents. Which we will never be able to control. We as CPS and board should be blind to the 9 bias and prejudice. Meaning we need to teach children the best we can regardless of these 9 topics. Equally no less no more . I hope that I have explained this the best way I can. There should be equity for all.

What are your thoughts on how to recruit and retain staff, particularly staff of color, in your district with regard to pay, benefits, and working conditions?

Again regardless of what is color you are the pay ,benefits ,working conditions. They should all be equal. Pay should be emphasized on abilities nothing else. I believe a first year teachers are not going to make what 5 year and above teachers make . We as a population today should be beyond this thinking. Both sides of this question.

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