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Bloomfield Hills School District

MEJC has been provided with detailed responses from the following candidates. Click the Read More button to review their complete questionnaire responses.



Here is some info shared by this candidate regarding working with school community stakeholders:

Achieving successful outcomes for children in education requires respectful and collaborative efforts among all stakeholders. Educational decisions should not be made in isolation. The Bloomfield Hills School District must improve its communication, transparency, and educating of the public regarding the factors influencing its decisions.

To foster greater transparency and accountability, I believe all stakeholders should have enhanced access to School Board Members. This can be achieved through various means, such as regular attendance at school-related events by Board Members, hosting informal gatherings like "Coffee with a Board Member," and providing personalized responses to constituent inquiries via phone or email -- These interactions should avoid generic, impersonal boiler-plate responses and instead engage the public in meaningful dialogue.

On a personal level, I'm committed to responding to phone calls, emails, and texts. My contact information is readily available: and cell 248-789-9383. I maintain an open door policy and welcome opportunities to learn from others, hoping this encourages people to feel comfortable approaching me with questions or concerns.



Here is some info shared by this candidate regarding working with school community stakeholders:

Parents, caregivers, and community members certainly should have an opportunity to voice their concerns regarding curriculum decisions to the Board. And the Board should take those concerns seriously, especially if there is evidence undermining the efficacy of our established curricular programs. However, curriculum decisions, which impact our entire school district’s learning community, must ultimately be made with an understanding of the needs and resources of our entire community. Those decisions are best made by our trained educators and staff, who should be supported and encouraged to keep abreast of, and share, proven educational best-practices, so that our curriculum can evolve as necessary.

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