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Clintondale Community Schools

MEJC has been provided with detailed responses from the following candidates. Click the Read More button to review their complete questionnaire responses.



Here is some info shared by this candidate regarding working with school community stakeholders:

Keep an open door policy for all in the community. Listen to their needs, and make the best decision for our children. Encourage our family s to stay in the district by taken care of their kids.



Here is some info shared by this candidate regarding working with school community stakeholders:

Without parents, caregivers, community members and the student’s engagement and involvement in decision-making, I believe the district will miss meeting some goals and milestones. It is extremely imperative for their engagement and inclusivity, as each can bring an array of information, insights, perspectives, diverse thoughts and resources. I will establish a culture of shared collaboration and shared decision-making, which will create a together mindset and respect for everyone’s input.
Additionally, I will:
• Create an engagement strategy that includes open, two-way lines of communication and relationship building with parents, caregivers, students and community members.
• Bring awareness (through various communication channels) that students, parents and community members are welcomed to be part of school discussions and the decision-making process.
• Implement a process that easily engages parents, caregivers, community members and students and explains the criticality and importance for everyone’s involvement in district decisions.
• Create an open-door, personable atmosphere for all where they will be respected, empowered, valued and appreciated.
• Create a parent, caregiver, student and community workshop for all to understand the specific topics at hand, so they can make informed decisions.
• Solicit attendance to board meetings and school events, where all will receive a better view of the district and its points of discussion that are reviewed/approved.
• Routinely demonstrate how their engagement and involvement is positively impacting the district as I believe this will foster a trusted relationship with parents, caregivers, community members and students.

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