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Dearborn City School District

MEJC has been provided with detailed responses from the following candidates. Click the Read More button to review their complete questionnaire responses.



Here is some info shared by this candidate regarding working with school community stakeholders:

To involve parents, caregivers, community members, and students in decision making, I would establish advisory committees, hold regular public forums and surveys, and organize workshops to discuss key issues. I would ensure transparency through newsletters and social media. I would include students in the discussions, and provide easy ways for the community to offer feedback. This way, I can make sure everyone’s opinions are heard and considered.



Here is some info shared by this candidate regarding working with school community stakeholders:

My approach would be to wholeheartedly listen to the needs and concerns of the stakeholders and do my best to offer them pragmatic solutions to their issues. I would also be a strong advocate for parental and community involvement in the decision making process as it relates to local education. Additionally, I would take into account the stakeholder’s values/cultural needs into account as well, as their needs may be driven by a background different than mine. Being approachable, available, understanding and empathetic are key attributes I exhibit in my work.



Here is some info shared by this candidate regarding working with school community stakeholders:

To involve parents, caregivers, community members, and students in decision making, I would establish advisory committees, hold regular public forums and surveys, and organize workshops to discuss key issues. I would ensure transparency through newsletters and social media. I would provide easy ways for the community to offer feedback. This way, I can make sure everyone’s opinions are heard and considered. To ensure student voice is represented, I would make it a priority to use social media and word of mouth to reach students and invite them to public forums.



Here is some info shared by this candidate regarding working with school community stakeholders:

One very important thing we can do in our schools to help engage stakeholders is to make every building in our district a warm, welcoming environment where students feel safe and cared for and parents feel welcome. With that culture, you are more likely to get parents in to build a strong PTA and get involved in other ways they can give input. Inviting parents and other community stakeholders to take part in interview committees when hiring new administrators or teachers is a great way to ensure that candidates are chosen from a collaboration of different perspectives. Making the school welcoming can include things like inviting parents to the school for events like concerts, events, and curriculum nights. Posting colorful visual aids at school to direct visitors and having literature and communications available in multiple relevant languages are powerful signs to first generation families and English Language Learning families that they are wanted and welcome in their children’s school.

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